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ysladmin 2024-06-10 人已围观
简介英语竞赛作文题材 大家好,今天我将为大家介绍一下关于英语竞赛作文题材的问题。为了更好地理解这个问题,我对相关资料进行了归纳整理,现在让我们一起来看看吧。1.Ӣ?ᄎ?????????2.关于英语
例文如下:The white bird glided a beautiful arc over the blue sky,hit it hard with my racket, it turned back like a bullet aiming a target. "27th " I shouted to my sister.
We have been enjoy playing badminton since we have learnt the basic skills. For us , it was not just simply a sport but an old friend who entertained us during lots of bored afternoons.
Happily, we would grab a pair of rackets and began a game which requirs precision and promptness. Controlling the bird between our rackets fufilled me with a sense of triumph and joy as if I was the first-class athelete!
In order to improve students' oral English level ,we decide to hold an English speech competition. The students must be in Grade 9 .And the place and time for application are April 20th and Student Union office respecfully,The competition will be held at 2PM on the May 4th in School's assembly Hall.Apparently there are lot of rewards for the players who at the top 10.
Anyway, warmly welcome all the teachers and students to participate in the competition.
1.competitors: students in grade 9
2.time and place for application: 20th,April. office of student union
3.time and place for competition: 2PM,4th,May. School's assembly hall
4.the top 10 would gain generous rewards.
5.warmly welcome all the teachers and students to attend
1. 英语作文 场景描写 50字
Our classroom is big and bright.It is a nice and clean classroom. There are three big windows and o doors. The big blackboard is on the front wall. There is a teacher's desk in the front of the classroom. On the teacher's desk, there are some beautiful flowers.
There are also forty desks and chairs for the students. I like our classroom我们的教室又大又明亮。这是一个干净又漂亮的教室。有三个大窗户和两个门。大黑板在前面的墙上。有一个老师的书桌在教室的前面。在老师的桌上,有一些美丽的花朵。也有四十张课桌和椅子的学生。我喜欢我们的教室。
2. 描写一个场面的英语作文很高兴第一时间为您解答,祝学习进步。如有问题请及时追问,谢谢~~O(∩_∩)O
Everyone is attracted by beauty and beauty is powerful.But what is true beauty? Perhaps you can get the answer from the following story.
This morning I went to the market to buy some vegetables with my parents. On the way we all highly praised a young man in western-style clothes and leather shoes who was riding by.But he rode so fast that he knocked an old lady down carelessly.Instead of stopping, he pretended not to see this and rode away quickly.We were all very angry with the young man.To our happiness, a girl in plain dress ran forward at once, helped the lady up and took her home.We all praised the girl.
From this we know we cannot judge a person by his appearance.A person who is dressed beautifully may not have a beautiful soul. Only a person who has a beautiful soul is really beautiful.
3. 写竞选英语科代表场景作文400字Last month we had a sports meeting. Though the weather wasn't very fine that day, the students were all very excited and the whole school was alive.
This time, I was even more excited. Because I went in for the sports meeting and my item was high jump. I didn't want to get any place, I only wanted to enjoy the game because I knew I wasn't good at sports.
4. 描写校运会的某个比赛的场景嘿,跑道上的100米比赛开始啦!运动员们一个个摩拳擦掌、生龙活虎.一位一表人才、仪表堂堂的老师轻轻扣动了枪的扳机,一发烟雾弹射了出去.运动员们也像一枝枝利箭一样“嗖”地射了出去.其他班的拉拉队喊声洪亮,我们班也不甘示弱,喊声震天,压过了其他班,其他班气愤愤地望着我们,我们则哈哈大笑.不过,有点让人愤愤不平、怒火中烧的一段小插曲也跟着来了.你听我娓娓道来:我们班出类拔萃,体育项目更是好.这次,老师选了跑步非常快的王宇森去为我班争光.王宇森不负众望、遥遥领先,第一个到达了终点.陆老师绽开了甜蜜温柔的微笑,迈开小步子喜悦自豪地去问裁判员我们班得了第几名.几位玉树临风的男裁判员和几位绰约多姿的女裁判员端端正正地坐在高高的演讲台上呢!可是问了后,陆老师不仅没有笑容如画,反而垂头丧气地走了回来,嘴里说着:“怎么可能是第四名?”王宇森很委屈地说自己明明是第一名,班上的同学也都很气愤,纷纷叫嚷裁判员不公平.陆老师劝也没办法,不过我估计陆老师也有些生气.但是接下来的时刻就是见证我们班出类拔萃,是年级的精英,是名副其实的第一名的时候了.接力赛给予了我们机会.八名选手全是陆老师在班上精挑细选出来的.四名女生,四名男生,全是精英,我们班跑步的八颗“明珠”.他们也临场不怯,每一个队员一接到接力棒,就“嗖”一下窜出去,终于夺回了辉煌的第一名.我们班同学嗓子都快喊破了,但是笑得都很明媚,眼睛全笑成了弯弯细细的月牙儿.接着,其他项目我们班也取得了优秀的名次,取得了很多第一名.我估计我们班今年又是运动会第一名了!接力赛场景赛道上的沙子灰在空中来去自如,把运动员的视线变得模糊.我刚想着会不会影响运动员时,我们班的女生开头炮依然勇猛地向前冲,毫不受灰尘的影响.也是,这区区的灰尘怎么能动摇运动员的决战之心呢,看着我们班的运动员那么勇猛,我也不甘示弱,一边摇着手一边大喊:“43班必胜!43班加油!加油!”同学们看见我喊,也跟着喊.运动员听见我们为他们助威,也不好辜负我们的期望,发挥自己全身的潜能努力地冲!可能正因为我们班表现出来的“霸气”吓倒了,所以掉了棒,落后了差不多三米…… 到最后一个了,我们班领先了差不多半圈(半圈50米),已是稳操胜卷了,可我们班的最后一名队员——谭斌和44班的罗少宏依然在奋力地跑,最终还是我们班胜利了,此时,我都要抓狂了,但使我真正高兴的不是我们班的胜利,而是运动员的那种精神——我们班已是注定要胜利了,可谭斌还是那么奋力去跑,即便一小步,也有新高度;44班的看着的知道要输了,但他们也永不言败,争取缩短一些距离.哈哈,我们5年来期待的一天终于来临了,真是天降神灵呀.1.有多少次挥汗如雨,伤痛曾添满记忆,只因为始终相信,去拼搏才能胜利.总在鼓舞自己,要成功就得努力.热血在赛场沸腾,巨人在赛场升起.相信自己,你将赢得胜利,创造奇迹;相信自己,梦想在你手中,这是你的天地.当一切过去,你们将是第一.相信自己,你们将超越极限,超越自己!相信自己,加油吧,健儿们,相信你自己.2.来吧 现在才是关键,把脆弱放在一边.抓不住机会的你,上不了最前线.踏上雪白跑线,把头发甩到后边.能量化成流汗,让我疯狂呐喊.相信我的预感,一定第一个撞线,只要定睛向你看,心情便会High到极度点.3.老师说 语文老师说,你们很美,是一种回归大自然的天然美;数学老师说,你们很美,那轻盈一跃是对称的美;政治老师说,你们很美,是负出与收获的辩证美;英语老师说,在古典的文化美后你们有欧式的拼搏美.4.致运动员 红色的跑道上,你像一簇火焰,用尽自己的热情,来燃烧自己的活力,殊不知,你是忍着疼痛在为班级争光,那一圈圈的绷带格外醒目,加油吧,你所有的好朋友在注视着你,在为你呐喊!Come on!You Always the best!。
5. 英语作文 描写一个场景An old man fell. He broke his right leg. A liitle went up to help him but he did not have the strength to help him to a bench nearby. The little boy asked for help. Nobody came to help him. People walked passed, took a look and walked away. Both the old man and little boy stayed at the accident area, looked helpless。
It is a sad world。
6. 英语作文描述体育课的场景Physical education students is very important to me, to build a modern gymnasium in our school students agreed. We all day in the classroom to learn the west after the eye and the body are a bit sore, then we can go to the gym to relax, playing badminton can own the body in motion, can ease the pain. Some *** all movement can help us have a better state of mind to learn. Running, playing soccer, rope skipping and so can. So thank the school gymnasium to improve students' health.。
7. 描写拔河比赛的场景作文(要有点有面的)笔者找到一篇与楼主要求相互吻合的作文,希望有用 难忘的一次拔河比赛 岁月象湍湍激流,不断冲刷我的记忆,许多事情已经模糊,但在我心灵深处,有一件事,一直令我难忘. 记得那是去年的秋天,在作文班上,老师为了让我们锻炼身体,陶冶情操,培养我们的观察力,组织了一场拔河比赛. 老师把我们分为两个队,一个是猛虎队,另一个是雄鹰队.我被分到了雄鹰队. 两队实力相当,互不相让,同学们一个个英姿飒爽、昂首挺胸,一场针锋相对的比赛即将展开了. 随着随着老师的哨声,比赛开始了.双方队员握紧绳子,他们一个个脚蹬着地,身体向后倾,拼命向自己的方向拽绳子.绳中间的红绸带一会儿移向猛虎队,一会儿又移向雄鹰队,互不相让.双方啦啦队的队员们,也齐声呐喊,不停地为自己队擂鼓助威.我的手都拽红了,可绳子还是不动一下,双方进入僵持状态. 此时,我方的队员们一个个都红了眼,有的人脸憋得通红,有的人龇着牙、咧着嘴在叫劲,还有的人双手紧握绳子铆足了劲向自己方向拉.最后,我们队使出了全力,随着啦啦队的喊声,红绸一下子移向了我方,我们雄鹰队胜了. 后来两局我们队乘胜前进,连续获胜,最终我们取得了胜利. 这次拔河比赛,使我明白了团结力量大的道理,更激励我在走向未来的道路上,要树立克服困难的信心,我永远也不会忘记这次拔河比赛.。
8. 用英语现在进行时态写一篇关于运动会上赛跑的场景的一篇作文,六the school is holding a sports meeting now. i'm very happy to join in. i'm signing up to run the 100 meters. i like running very much,. i hope that i could win the 1st place. so i'm traing everyday to achieve my goal. my best friend is high jumping. there're also many people doing the long jump too。
9. 英语场景作文I went the park near my school with my family on Sunday. This park was holding a interesting garden party, where was crowded by many people. When sunday, the park was always very crowded. There was a lot of old men doing morning exercises, and many children going with their parents. During our around walking, I saw my clas *** ate XX boating there. I said hello to her, and she asked me to enjoy boating with her. So I took the boat, and speaked with XX for a while. Then we pulled the boat over, where planted a few lilies,which was my faverate flower. I used my digital camera taking several picture. At that time, my cellphone was ringing. That is my mother, she call me for going back.
假如你是李华,你收到留学生Frank 来信。他希望参加你校即将举行的成语大赛,请你给他写封回信,介绍本次大赛的相关事宜。
注意:1、词数100 左右。
Dear Frank,
How happy we are to know that you’re going to participate in our Chinese Idiom Contest. Here is what you are supposed to know about.
We're going to hold the contest in the school library at 8:00 a.m. on December 20, 2016. Characters wrongly usedare to be recognized in some Chinese idioms. Besides, you are required to say out the idioms by guessing gestures of your partner. Hopefully,what I have to remind you of is that you’d better get one story of idiom prepared in case you are probably invited to tell one. By the way, all our Chinese teachers will be invited as judges.
Expecting your excellence in the approaching contest. Best wishes!
Li Pin
第三,背一些经典句子,一般是抽象的比较好,比较容易套,比如我最喜欢的一句“No matter what the situation is,you still have right to choose your attitude, the attitude toward your life”
写作思路:从文章的写作目的、中心主旨入手,以使文章中心思想鲜明、深刻地表现出来,正文:Dear Chris:
I have good news to tell you. The World Youth Robot Skills Competition will be held in Tianjin at the end of July. Due to the lack of qualified players, our team is recruiting capable members to participate in the competition. We invite you to join our team.
我有一个好消息要告诉你。 世界青少年机器人技能竞赛将于7月底在天津举行。由于缺少符合条件的队员,学校的团队正在招募有能力的成员去参赛。于是我想申请你和我组队一起加入团队。
Because you won an award in a robot skill competition and you are an expert in training robots, I believe your participation will benefit our team a lot. In addition, this competition will serve as a platform for you to develop your creative potential and strengthen your cooperation skills.
因为你曾在一次机器人技能竞赛中获奖,并且你在训练机器人方面是行家,所以我相信你的加入会让我们队受益颇多。 另外,这场竞赛将充当一个平台的角色,使我发挥我的创造潜能,强化我们的合作技能。
By the way, a detailed training plan will be attached to my next email to you. We would appreciate any suggestions.
I am looking forward to your reply.
作文标题: 一篇英语作文(参赛)
关键词: 作文 英语 小学六年级
本文适合: 小学六年级
myfavorite place
The world has many famous place ——Japan is famous for Tokyo tower,France is famous for the Eiffel Tower ,America is famous for the statue ofliberty,Australia is famous for Sydney opera house ,but,You know what I like most the place? Egypt,Russia,Or a Korean ?Are not .Maybe you guessed it.Ou,yes.My favourite place is the beijing, China .
The reason that I like beijing because beijing is the capital of China... Reason have much too much .Let me introduce you beijing 。
beijing is one of the biggest cities in the world, which has many beautiful scenery, for example: the Great Wall, the Forbidden City,Tiananmen square
... These are all Chinese old ancestral wisdom crystallization ah ,Moreover, Tiananmen square is the biggest square in the world! You know behai park? It's really beautiful.Also, the development of China like the dragon, the speed of the vehemence generous general yuanmingyuan, the Forbidden City are ancient Chinese symbol of modern, besides, the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games with the closing ceremony is beautiful ornate, Olympic Games which a athletes is quite frisky.
Motherland!! You are all of our pride. The capital beijing!! You are China's hope, you also will become the world's leading sender. I love you beijing!! I love you Chinese!!
祖国母亲啊! !你是我们的骄傲。首都北京! !你是中国的希望,你也将成为世界的领跑者,我爱你,北京! !我爱你,中国! !