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简介英语四级考试作文白色塑料袋       最近有些日子没和大家见面了,今天我想和大家聊一聊“英语四级考试作文白色塑料袋”的话题。如果你对这个话题还比较陌生,那么这















        早期的塑料容易着火,这就限制了用它制造产品的范围。第一个能成功地耐高温的塑料是“贝克莱特”(即酚酣塑料—译注)。利奥 ·贝克兰德在1909年获得了该项专利。








       The plastic bag history

       A cameraman creation having led to initial plastic in experiment inside the dark room. That Alexander · Pakesi has a lot of hobby , film is one of which. People is not able to buy the ready-made photographic film and chemicals like this like today , self makes be obliged to often the thing needing when 19 centuries. Therefore every cameraman is simultaneous also must be a chemist. One of the material being put into use in film is "a collodion " , it is one kind of "saltpetre cotton " solution , the viz. is in nitrate cellulose solution in alcohol and ether. It was used photosensitive chemicals to be glued on glass at that time , was done equal photographic film today similar to making thing. In 19 centuries fifties,Pakesi has checked the method handling the collodion diversity. A day , he are trying blending the collodion and the camphor. Use his amazed being , blend have produced a kind of but curved hard queen material. Pakesi says that matter is "Pakexin" , that is the earliest plastic. Pakesi uses "Pakexin" to make having made the article of all kinds: The comb , pen , button and jewelry seal adorn a product. Pakesi has not been of great commerce mental consciousness but, has stood a loss of money and on the venture as early as self. When 20 centuries, people starts the use excavating the new of plastic. By some, kind of plastic makes almost all articles for use inside the family all can out. Continue developing Pakesi's achievement and earn profit out of right away leave for the inventor goes to have composed other. John · Wesley · Haiyate comes from the New York pressman so having seen this chance on 1868 , the company who one made a table tennis at that time complains about elephant's tusk shortage. Haiyate has improved fabrication working procedure , has given "Pakexin" (give exegesis or explanation in case that the elephant's tusk translates) a new name "celluloid" moreover. He has got a ready-made marketplace from table tennis manufacturer there, and has used plastic to make not too long after that right away making the all kinds of product. Model T plastic is easy to be on fire, have been restricting the range using it to make a product right now. The first being able to be able to bear the high temperature plastic successfully is that "Beikelaite" (is that phenol is to self's heart's content plastic translates notes). Leo · Beikelande has gained that patent on 1909.

       In 1909, American Beikelan has composed phenol aldehyde plastic first. 1930's , the nylon have come out, "fibre silk better than being be composed of coal , air and water , thin , harder than iron and steel than cobweb" is called. The various plastic of queen invention sum produces their turn up for this purpose having establish a basis. The plastic raw material has substituted coal with petroleum , manufacturing industry has also got plastic since Second World War is hit by development of petrochemical industry, at full speed development. Plastic is one kind of very light matter , is therefore likely to make it deliquesce with very low temperature warmup, make up into various form thing arbitrarily. The plastic product color is bright-coloured , weight is not afraid to fall gently, economy is durable, not only its coming out having brought about a lot of development of the industry having gone to the lavatory , driving also tremendously for people's life. The plastic invention is less than but, 100 years , has no alternative handle these being full of the thing bringing extremely large threat to extremely large threat human being living environment in life, but have bestowed great care to but now if people was that their coming into being is jubilantly happy at that time. Plastic is from the chemistry petroleum products drawing in petroleum or coal, once producing from very difficult natural degradation coming out. The plastic reason also is not good in depraved degradation in ground for 200 years , waste fills large amount of plastic bury Tongtou that can destroy soil nature, makes soil hardened in ground,growth affecting plant's. If the cattle has eaten the plastic sneaking into feed or being left over in the open country by accident, also be able to bring about dying because of digestive tract obstruction.

       At present, Chinese plastic annual output is 3 ten thousand tons of O0, amount of consumption above 6 million tons. The whole world plastic annual output is 100 million tons , secretly scheme against if 15%'s plastic abandons amounts according to every year, annual plastic of the whole world abandons amounts being 15 million tons , Chinese year plastic abandons amounts above 1 million tons , proportion in abandoning plastic in the rubbish accounts for to 40%, such great quantity's abandon plastic being buried as the rubbish in ground , bring bigger pressure to bigger pressure the land originally right away, being short of but plowing beyond doubt. Plastic brings about convenient at the same time in the life giving people , has also brought about the future trouble being difficult to punish for environment, people calls the disaster that plastic brings about to the environment "white pollution ". At present, many countries all adopts (the regeneration burning hot sources of energy) or the way processing fabrication (products regenerates's) again handles to abandon plastic. This two kinds way are made abandon plastic being regenerated make use of, have reached the purpose saving resource. Because abandoning plastic may produce the gas , the environment contaminating bad for the human body when burning or processing again , being able to say the treatment abandoning plastic is environmental protection so far still but in working make peopel one big difficult problems of headache





       ①As is vividly revealed in the picture, (描述内容). The picture reminds us of an old Chinese saying—(进一步说明表明的含义).

       ②Undoubtedly, the symbolic meaning conveyed in the picture should be given deep consideration that(揭示的深刻含义). First, (分析第一条含义). More often(进一步阐述隐含的深刻含义). Therefore, when it comes to the key to success, the most important thing lies in(总结深刻含义).

       ③In a word, for college students, (大学生应该怎么做). Only in this way can we (强调主题).



       As is vividly depicted in the picture,(简单描述). Nevertheless,(描述现状

       ②(对缺点的阐述), but their importance has not faded away. We can benefit a lot from(做某事). To begin with,(优点一). Furthermore,(优点二). Lastly,(优点三).

       ③In conclusion,(结论).




       ①There is a widespread humorous saying that(引入名言). Funny as it is, the saying ironically reflects the fact that(名言所反映的事实).

       ②Our life involves all kinds of obstacles and setbacks which may exhaust us. Therefore,(中心论点). What’s more,(进一步阐述中心论点). For example,(举例论证). Obviously,(得出本段结论).

       ③All in all,(结论), just as the old popular saying goes,(呼应开头).


       ①(名言的指出者)famous remark makes it evident that(名言的含义). To such an extent(名言所反映的事实).

       ②What(名言的指出者)remarked is just in line with my own mindset. In the first place,(论点一). In the second place,(论点二).

       ③However,(辨证论述问题). (某事物) can never be attached too much importance to, at the expense of(另一事物).




       ①In recent years,(现象表现或变化). In addition/Besides,(进一步阐述现象). This phenomenon has aroused hot discussion.

       ②(总述现象)play(s) a significant role in(某方面).(进一步阐述该现象的原因). Therefore,(总结现象导致的结果). However, some people argue that(问题一). In addition,(问题二).

       ③In my opinion,(个人观点/态度/建议). Furthermore, (补充说明看法). In a word, (总结).


       ①Recently,(提出现象)has been brought to public attention. No one denies that(进一步阐述现象).

       ②However, (总述现象) can lead to severe consequences. In the first place,(问题一). What?s worse,(问题二).

       ③Awareness of the matter in question is one thing, but how to cope with it is another thing. To solve the problem,(解决问题的措施). As a result,(解决问题的意义). Only in this way can we(解决问题).


       ①Nowadays, there exist(s)(事实/现象). (进一步阐述该现象). However, the reasons for (现象概括) are varied.

       ②To begin with,(原因一). Moreover,(原因二). In addition,(原因三). Finally,(原因四).

       ③As to me/As far as I?m concerned,(个人观点). For one thing,(原因一). For another,(原因二). In brief,(总结).






       ①During recent years, the topic of(事实/现象)has aroused public attention and become more and more popular.

       ②Undoubtedly/No doubt that (总述问题的作用/重要性). First, (作用一). Second, (作用二).

       ③However, it should be mentioned that (分析问题的意义或原因). (进一步分析其意义). Therefore, it is of high significance/it is high time that (解决问题).

       ④In the first place, (解决方法一). Furthermore, (解决方法二). Only in this way (解决问题).


       ①As is well known,(提出问题). It is obvious that(原因一). Additionally,(原因二). So how to(解决问题)is worth paying attention to.

       ②First of all/Firstly/In the first place,(解决方法一). Secondly/In the second place/In addition/Moreover, (解决方法二). Thirdly/Besides/What?s more, (解决方法三).

       ③In fact, ways to(解决问题)are countless. It is necessary/time that(采取措施解决问题).


       ①There has been a discussion recently about(现象/问题). It is obvious that (原因一). Additionally/Besides, (原因二). Therefore, it is high time that (解决问题).

       ②First of all/Firstly/In the first place, (解决方法一). Secondly/In the second place/In addition,(解决方法二). Finally/Besides/Moreover/What?s more,(解决方法三).

       ③Personally/As far as I?m concerned,(个人观点). For one thing, (原因一). For another, (原因二). All in all, (总结全文).


       Plastic bag is the loading of the national with most items, plastic bags is good, but the damage but he is also nots allow to despise.

       You should know that plastic bag is made of the chemical elements, so it is not easy to dissolve. I checked the information, the plastic bag buried underground, to dissolve after hundreds of years to complete. Now people use is burning plastic bags, but because of the burning plastic bags can produce poisonous gas, can make a small portion of the land cannot grow, so are burned in the place where no one lives. In the smoke from the burning plastic bags to produce will produce carcinogenic substances, to the detriment of the human body, therefore, when burned, people would wear the mask to avoid inhaling substances.

       Plastic bags very difficult to deal with not only, still have very ?






       塑料袋的好处,方便快捷,可随身携带,便宜,用完即可扔垃圾桶里。 坏处更多,污染环境。是白色污染的主要来源之一! 它燃烧后容易产生有毒气体,危害人类健康;吸灰,不易保持洁净。 The benefits of plastic bags, convenient, portable, cheap, used up can be thrown into the garbage. Disadvantages more, pollute the environment. Is a major source of white pollution! It is easy to produce toxic combustion gases, endangering human health; smoke gray, is not easy to keep clean.

       The limiting of disposable plastic bags



